Patient Assistance

Admission to the Hospital

The first outpatient appointments are scheduled via the Integrated Health Informational System (IZIS), while follow–ups are scheduled by phone or directly with the attending physician. Patients who are to be admitted to the A and B Departments are put on a waiting list and will be notified by phone of the date when they need to report with a valid referral from the district fund (which is also required for the mother if she is being admitted as an accompanying person).

Admissions are conducted every working day from 7 AM until 1 PM.

Participation Fee for Certain Services

Only adults using our electrotherapy, acupuncture, and kinesiology taping services are charged a participation fee (according to the price list approved by the Hospital’s Board of Directors).

House Rules

The house rules are prominently displayed at the Hospital. Accompanying mothers are provided with a copy, upon admission to the department, to ensure better healthcare services and greater patient safety (for their children).

Protection of Patients’ Rights

Posters with the name and address of the patients’ rights advocate and advisor have been prominently displayed in the Hospital.

Patient Rights Advocate

Vlada Predić, Ph.D.
Advisor for the Protection of Patients’ Rights
Republic Fund for Health Insurance of Serbia (RFZO) — Modular Unit
Tiršova 1, Ground Floor, Office 9

Decision on Working Hours

The decision has been defined by the Hospital’s Bylaws.

Pursuant to the Decision on Working Hours of Healthcare Institutions adopted by the Republic of Serbia, the Outpatient Polyclinic in Pavilion I, starting from March 8, 2021, operates every working day from 7 AM until 8 PM (except for Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).

The Inpatient A and B Departments work 24 hours, throughout the entire year.

The Day Care and Day Hospital in Pavilion II work from 7 AM until 5 PM, and the Outpatient Polyclinic works from 7 AM until 2 PM, except during the collective summer vacation; patient’s will be informed of the collective vacation in a timely manner.

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